This issue has become almost ubiquitous to such a degree that pornography—in terms of spiritual warfare—has been weaponized, including in our churches. Now, when a couple comes in to see me and they say to me: "We just don't know what's wrong in our marriage. We just don't have any intimacy. We don't have sex with each other anymore. We just feel cold." I immediately say, "How long has the porn been going on?"Husband, typically, looks at me, like I'm an Old Testament prophet or a New Age … [Read more...]
Purifying the Marriage Bed
Continued from Purity, Not Just for the UnmarriedSometimes, people get their ideas about marriage from watching films and watching movies. That’s a really dangerous thing to do because of the films they choose. They want to watch The Notebook. If you want to see a realistic movie portrayal of what it means to—Ephesians 5—“Fight for your wife and your marriage” —don’t watch some promiscuous idolater, and don’t watch some sappy romance—watch an old werewolf movie. What happens in the werewolf … [Read more...]
Purity, Not Just for the Unmarried
Dr. Stinson says he already commends everything I have to say. So, I'll say this to Dr. Stinson: “We, Moores, might be a little people; but we're fiery! I guarantee you—if you get enough adrenaline in me, I can whip any man in this room!”The moment when that adrenaline started to surge through me—and what I believe was the highest level in my life—and possibly at a toxic level—happened at a True Love Waits retreat, sometime in the 1990s. I was serving as a youth pastor. I'd been asked to speak … [Read more...]
Guard Your Purity 3
Monday, July 02, 2012by John MacArthurIf you’ve spent any time around a toddler, you know that even the simplest, most basic instruction is followed by an unending string of whys. The attitude behind his questions range from inquisitiveness to rebellion, but the inclination to question authority is hardwired into us all.It’s not enough to be told not to touch the hot stove—we need to know why we shouldn’t touch it. And often, we need firsthand experience of the … [Read more...]
Guard Your Purity 2
Wednesday, June 27, 2012John MacArthurA key and often overlooked aspect of God’s goodness is that He doesn’t give us commands we cannot fulfill. He doesn’t taunt us with impossible directions or challenge us with tasks beyond our ability. Part of the assumption in each of God’s commands to us is that, through the assistance of His Spirit, we’re able to accomplish what He has commanded us to do.So when the Lord commands His people in 1 Thessalonians 4:3 to … [Read more...]
Guard Your Purity 1
Monday, June 25, 2012John MacArthurYou probably hear a lot about how much our society has progressed. Whether it’s technological or scientific advancement, breakthroughs in medicine or manufacturing, or any other area where progress can be measured, we’re eager to see how far we’ve come.At the same time, the culture is willfully blind to how it’s regressing. Sexual perversion and deviance run rampant, and all kinds of immorality are promoted and paraded as if they … [Read more...]
I’m not a virgin anymore. Is it too late?
Secondary virginity as a way out!By Marty DengI personally don't like to use the term secondary virginity because the word virgin itself means someone who has never had sexual intercourse (oral sex is the same as sexual intercourse—if you're thinking about living a pure life, you'll stay away as far as possible from any compromising situation or anything that causes you to lust).1 This is not the end of the world though.There is no sin that God cannot forgive. So you lost your virginity, … [Read more...]