by J. BudziszewskiThis Office Hours column is the conclusion to "Who's on First?", (May 13, 2002), which should be read first. You can read the original column here."So does anything work?", Mark was saying. "What are the moves of … [Continue reading]
Who’s on First?
by J. BudziszewskiIt was only a little past 11, and the Union was almost empty. Expecting a quiet lunch, I chose a table where I could look out the window at the Quad. No sooner had I set down my tray than a familiar face materialized in front of … [Continue reading]
What’s the Point of Sex?
by J. BudziszewskiWhat's the big deal about pre-marital sex? Professor Theophilus demonstrates with a piece of duct tape in this fictional story.Don and I had just taken chairs in the Edge of Night. "Whatcha want?" asked the … [Continue reading]
Sex in the Real World, Revisited
by Matt Kaufman It's been nearly two years since Colin Powell went on MTV preaching the secular gospel of "safe sex." (I wrote about it in a column called "Sex in the Real World.") At the time, while appearing on a network known for condom ads in … [Continue reading]
Sex in the Real World
by Matt KaufmanCondom ads are nothing new for MTV, but on Valentine’s Day the network ran one for free. Unlike the raunchy spots they often run, this one was draped in respectability, delivered by a high government official in a suit and tie: … [Continue reading]
Adolescents with Bacterial STIs: Higher Risk for HIV
Within the last decade, there has been a steady increase in the rates of reportable sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in teenagers 15-19 years old. Although some of this increase is as a result of more sensitive screening methods, a considerable … [Continue reading]
The Brushfires Foundation
This was mentioned in BreakPoint Commentaries on 26 July 2013. There's a ministry called The Brushfires Foundation that deals with repairing sexual brokenness and restoring sexual wholeness.In this sexual broken culture we're in, ministries such … [Continue reading]
Cohabitation: A New Approach to Marriage
Below is the summary of an interview with Glenn Stanton by FamilyLife's hosts Dennis Rainey and Bob Lepine about the negative effects of moving in together before marriage that are even proven by secular sociologists. Cohabitation has developed from … [Continue reading]
Pornography: Poisoning Marital Intimacy
This issue has become almost ubiquitous to such a degree that pornography—in terms of spiritual warfare—has been weaponized, including in our churches. Now, when a couple comes in to see me and they say to me: "We just don't know what's wrong in our … [Continue reading]
Purifying the Marriage Bed
Continued from Purity, Not Just for the UnmarriedSometimes, people get their ideas about marriage from watching films and watching movies. That’s a really dangerous thing to do because of the films they choose. They want to watch The Notebook. If … [Continue reading]