The Garden of Paradise 2The fairy of paradise next made her appearance. Her raiment shone like the sun, and her serene countenance beamed with happiness like that of a mother rejoicing over her child. She was young and beautiful, and a train of lovely maidens followed her, each wearing a bright star in her hair. The East Wind gave her the palm-leaf, on which was written the history of the phoenix; and her eyes sparkled with joy. She then took the prince by the hand, and led him into her … [Read more...]
The Garden of Paradise 2
The Garden of Paradise 1Now in came the South Wind, with a turban and a flowing Bedouin cloak.“How cold it is here!” said he, throwing more wood on the fire. “It is easy to feel that the North Wind has arrived here before me.”“Why it is hot enough here to roast a bear,” said the North Wind.“You are a bear yourself,” said the other.“Do you want to be put in the sack, both of you?” said the old woman.“Sit down, now, on that stone, yonder, and tell me where you have been.”“In Africa, … [Read more...]
The Garden of Paradise 1
What does Hans Christian Andersen's story for children have anything to do with sex?Many people are probably more familiar with his stories such as The Little Mermaid, The Ugly Duckling, etc. But there is one story written by him that is particularly interesting and may be useful to introduce children to the nature of dealing with temptations and how a big moral success or failure is usually the result of many smaller decisions and actions that lead to it.The Garden of Paradise is this … [Read more...]