In this day and age, parents find the need to talk about sex with their kids at earlier age than ever before. Many believe this is one of the effects of how pornography has been streamlined in the media. The thought of bringing this subject to their kids, however, can make many of them shiver. “Where should I begin, what age is appropriate, and what do I need to cover” are just a few of the challenges they need to address to make sure they do the right thing, the right way.
To avoid the subject though equates to relinquishing the responsibility altogether, and children will learn it from different sources other than parents or churches. Most likely, it’s going to be from their peers and the media. For Christian parents, this is certainly not an option. It’s important for children to learn about sex from the right source first hand or else they will take the wrong information and consider it as truth.
FamilyLife has put a great deal of effort to update one of their most successful program, Passport2Purity® Getaway Kit CD series to assist parents in conveying the message about sex from a Biblical perspective. For those who are not familiar with Passport2Purity®, it is one of the best products to teach adolescence about sex from a holistic viewpoint directly from the Bible. The rationale is that FamilyLife does all the hard work of packaging the message and make them interesting to listen to, while not taking out the “real meat” of what needs to be received by their young audience.
In their own word:
Give your kids a road map to adulthood.
Your child begins adolescence in a world of sexting, bullying, online stalking and moral defiance. Innocence is under attack, and you cannot win the battle with a single awkward talk or a strict set of rules. The primary defense for your child is a strong relationship with you and God. FamilyLife has developed Passport2Purity® to assist you in building heart-to-heart communication with your preteen while laying a foundation of purity that will prepare him or her for the turbulent years ahead. Through guided conversations, object lessons and audio-based teaching, you can set your child on a journey of moral integrity—and strengthen the bond between you.
We are confident that this kit will help any parents, both seasoned and novice alike, to engage in talking about puberty and sex with their teenagers by having all the difficult subjects explained so well accompanied with catchy tunes.
Of course it doesn’t take all the hard work from the parents as the recommended method is for a mom with a daughter or a dad with the son to carve out some time on a weekend and just between the two of them, they listen to the CDs and have a Q&A session afterwards. But all these activities can be done in a more relaxed setting.
That way, not only the teenager can learn about sex from the right source, but it also opens up the channel of communication between the parents and the child. And the fact that you as a parent have established the communication, your child will find it much easier later on when he or she’s struggling with very issue at some point. And this is a critical factor in shaping our teen’s mind in making a responsible decision with regards to sex later in life.
It’s priced for $39.99 at FamilyLife.
Please visit FamilyLife for more information.
Passport2Purity® Information Page
This site is not affiliated with, however their programs and materials have helped many people we know personally and we’re hoping many others will receive many blessings from their ministries as well.